Use themes to change how your blog looks

 Hi this is sandeep and you reading techsupport2me.Today im telling about Google

Today, I am showing an the way to change the background or layout of your blogger blog and since I do know the screens look a touch bit differently now so first what you are going to try to be come to blogger to your dashboard. 

  • Process to change bloger template :-


If you've got more than one blog they're all getting to be listed right here you are going to scroll right down to the blog that you simply want to edit, and you are going to settle on layout, and Then, over is here under these tabs, there's posting settings layout monetize.

The layout one should be highlighted and you're going to settle on pick new template, and you are going to form sure that you simply have the minima template chose it is very first template that you simply can choose in the blogger templates so, you are going to click save template, and it says your changes are saved so now what I'm going to do is I'm just getting to return under layout and I am getting to click on page elements right here now we're going to come back to the present in only a moment so what we're getting to do is we're going to open a replacement tab in order that we will do a new Google search.

 Then what I typed in the Google search is the free blog backgrounds for a blogger you're just going to hit enter and there is a bunch of really awesome websites that you simply can choose there's more cutesy ones that are scrapbook e or there's still pie ZAM but I like these new ones there's simply clik blog backgrounds or the cutest blog on the block comm we're just getting to choose the cutest blog than what you do is you only scroll down now they offer custom blog design, but I'm going to teach you ways to try to that during a different tutorial, so you do not need to pay for it okay so what you are going to do is you're over.

Here you'll choose home website design blog but custom designs right up here they need new Valentine's Day blog backgrounds so, you're just going to click thereon image, and counting on what time of the year you're looking at this you'll there is a bunch of various ones that you simply can choose from then what you are going to do is are getting to just scroll down and here's an inventory of all of their blog backgrounds, so I'm just getting to click on one then you're going to scroll down again it's the instructions on the way to add this but what I'm going to do is simply show you ways you're going to triple click within the copy and paste this code that way it highlights all the text otherwise you can just click and drag down to form sure that it's all selected.

Then you are going to right click and choose copy then we're going to return to our blogger tab we should get on the page elements under layout, and we're getting to scroll all the way down and at rock bottom, it says add a gadget or/and click on that then a replacement window pops up, and you are going to choose HTML JavaScript you're going to leave the title blank you are going to click within the content box right click choose paste then click Save and you're done that's how easy it's you're going to scroll copy, and you'll view the block, and we'll see what it looks like there it's then an equivalent thing as before once you scroll down the blog background just stays.

 There just only your words float over the highest one disadvantage of using these sort of backgrounds is that they are little adding is there is a little Add button for his or her cutest blog on the blog place so within the next tutorial I'm getting to teach you ways to create your own blog background using Photoshop so confirm to go to my website it's tips from a typical mom blog and have an excellent day


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